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Delizia is a food ordering mobile app created for a hypothetical fancy bakery that provides its customers not just with bakery items but also savouries.

Role: UX/UI Designer & Researcher 

Timeline: 1 month

Team Involvement: 1 UX/UI Designer

CRM Tool

This project was part of a design task given during an interview process with a company, where a hypothetical company is given to me named, Guntha, that aims to empower property agents by helping them better manage their leads and increase their sales.

Role: UX/UI Designer & Researcher 

Timeline: 2 days 

Team Involvement: None 

Med Connect

Med Connect is a health inspection and monitoring app that will keep track of your health records, clinic visits and illness history. It will also keep track and alert you of your regular health checkup appointments along with doctor's number. 

Role: UX/UI Designer & Researcher 

Timeline: 10 days

Team Involvement: None


To revamp the home screen of workable to make it more user-friendly, with visual elements as per industry standards.

Role: UX/UI Designer & Researcher 

Timeline: 2 weeks

Team Involvement: None

Coming Soon!

Other Projects

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Screenshot 2023-08-03 at 6.18.28 AM.png
Screenshot 2023-08-03 at 6.37.35 AM.png
Screenshot 2023-08-03 at 12.16.51 PM.png

Print Design

During my time working at ADITYA BIRLA, I worked as a print designer for Louis Philippe. Sharing some of the prints that i absolutely loved making.

Let's create something amazing together! Reach out for collaborations or just to say hi!

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